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Hippie Hound

Hippie Hound the Reason.....

Hippie Hound came to be because of a little dog named Snickers. I am a foster for a rescue and Snickers was my 2nd foster. She was small and mighty but had seizures. Even with meds she has 1 seizer per day, until CBD. She is now in her forever home and is down to 1 seizer every 6 weeks! Since Snickers we have used Dog CBD to ease the anxiety of stressed pups that come to us. We also use it on our own dogs for various reasons. Since then Hippie Hound has helped dogs with anxiety and pain. Snickers and CBD is why I started researching CBD for my horse Miko.


Since you feed such a small amount it is very affordable.  We also have non-flavored oil if you dog is a picky eater. 


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